LOREZNO and 96ROCK - Bogart's on 12/19/08
Radio station 96Rock was on hand to entice the crowd with free stuff and some excellent big money raffle prizes and an after party at The Holy Grail. DJ's on hand for this were FIN, Sister Karen, JD, Gamble. Find them on your FM dial at 96.5 and online at www.purerock96.com and www.myspace.com/96rock and Lorenzo is found online at www.lorenzolounge.com and at www.myspace.com/lorenzolounge for all your rock needs! LORENZO is due to play out next on APRIL 11, 2009 at BELTERRA CASINO in Vevay Indiana for the MMA BIG SHOW. You can catch MMA on the CW where the intro music for this is by LORENZO called "NOTHING LEFT TO TALK ABOUT". Check your local listings!
My photos below is just to show you how big a following LORENZO has and how much Cincy area loves 96ROCK!!