Lunarium at Sudsy's on Dec.22, 2006
Those metal celtic rock warriors, LUNARIUM, (see the above photos I took!) made the journey down from mid~Ohio area to Sudsy's in Cincinnati on Friday, December 22, 2006. This band is just bloody~cool! Their music is fun, it's metal, it's rock, it's all with the celtic flavour. These self proclaimed "Troll~Slayers" are taking on the mid~west and capturing the crowds' attention always leaving them wanting for more! LUNARIUM has an EP available called "JOURNEY, FABLES & LORE" which you can hear clips on at their myspace page which is and for news, tour dates, merch, and more photos go visit their cool looking website at to stay completely in touch with LUNARIUM. They return to Cincy at Sudsy's on Feb.23rd. Get there early because you don't want to miss LUNARIUM.